Star Matching / நட்சத்திர பொருத்தம்
Porutham is a combination of Rasi and Star, there are 12 rasi, 27 stars and 11 poruthams.
The Eleven Porutham’s considered as
1. DHINA PORUTHAM - Good health & Prosperity - Mandatory
2. GANA PORUTHAM - Matching of Temperaments - Depends on individual
3. MAHENDRAN PORUTHAM - Progeny in a larger measure - Mandatory
4. SREE DEEGRA PORUTHAM - Accumulation of wealth and prosperity - Depends on individual
5. YONI PORUTHAM - Sexual Compatibility - Mandatory
6. RAASI PORUTHAM - Continuation of Progeny - Mandatory
7. RASIYATHIPATY PORUTHAM - Compatibility between birth stars - Depends on individual
8. VASYA PORUTHAM - Compatibility between the Zodiac signs - Depends on individual
9. RAJJU PORUTHAM - Ensuring grooms long life - Mandatory
10. VEDHA PORUTHAM - Ward of evil and pitfalls - Depends on individual
11. NAADI PORUTHAM - Higher probability for descendants - Mandatory